UK Community Renewal Fund

Business in Focus is proud to be delivering Focus Futures, a project that forms part of the UK Government’s Community Renewal Fund, on behalf of 13 Local Authorities. This project was developed to support local people to develop their skills and confidence in order to further their entrepreneurial goals, as well as support businesses are struggling following the Covid-19 pandemic.

The pilot objective

Supporting people and communities most in need across the UK, the Community Renewal Fund pilots aim to create opportunities to trial new approaches and innovative ideas that respond to local challenges and local need. The fund aims to support people to overcome barriers, develop entrepreneurial skills, and build the confidence to consider self-employment.

Focus Futures will also provide fully-funded support to established independent businesses in Wales that have been through tough times during the pandemic, ensuring we help protect businesses and safeguard jobs in the local communities.

Helping individuals

The support that Business in Focus will provide through Focus Futures will consist of:

  • 1-2-1 and group sessions with people who can talk to individuals about employment
  • Access to webinars and events that will give clients new skills
  • Support to develop the clients’ ideas and plans
  • Opportunities for you to network & connect with people like them
  • Learn new skills that will help the client in the workplace 

Helping businesses

Focus Futures will provide a full business diagnostic, tailored advice and free 1-2-1 support from a Business Advisor who will help businesses assess their current situation and work with them to get the business back on track. The can also access support with marketing and business planning to develop and grow the business successfully.The advice will be tailored to each indivudual business and they will be signposted to any suitable financial support that is available.

If you know any business that could benefit from our support, please get in touch with us today.

This project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Community Renewal Fund