Further Success For Client Jack Frazer


A Gowerton restaurant owner who opened a much-loved café late last year is already investing in another foodie establishment in the same street – by siting a stylish restaurant in the former office of Byron Davies AM.

Jack Frazer, aged 27, opened the doors on Station 86 in September 2017 – his first business venture – and the cafe took off immediately. The trained chef, who cut his teeth in restaurants in the Alps, was soon diversifying from a classic and classy café into an enticing evening eaterie too. And last week he opened the doors on Nomad Bar & Kitchen, a few doors away, in Sterry Road.

Jack says: “Station 86 was my first business and, of course, I was nervous about setting up on my own, but things have gone so well. From the beginning I focused on high quality, locally sourced food and people have just embraced what we are doing. I branched out into an evening menu on a Bring Your Own basis and I am booked up until Christmas.

I have found that people now are so discerning about the coffee and food that there is a real market for quality – people want to know what variety of coffee bean you are using, what roast, and sometimes they even have a favourite barista who makes it just the way they like it. Standards have improved so much in this area as regards food and drink establishments that it keeps you on your toes – which is such a good thing for the consumer.”

Jack set up as a solo investor in Station 86 after securing a £25,000 start up loan from the Start Up Loan Company, supported by Business in Focus, their local loan delivery partner.

He says: “It was a big investment. I needed to do a lot of remodelling of the place, to modernise it, to bring in new equipment and to give the place the fresh look it needed. It was a big leap of faith to take, but I am very glad I did it and grateful for the support I received from Business in Focus, who have also offered me ongoing mentoring support. I’m clearly happy that things have gone so well for me that I am able to invest now in a second premises – this time along with a business partner –  but again, with the help of Business in Focus. On a personal level it is pleasing to make a success of the thing you love doing, but it is also satisfying to be able to bring vibrancy and investment to an area of Swansea that deserves some attention.

“While setting up a business isn’t for everyone, I feel strongly that now is a good time to invest in this region. Swansea is on the up, with the renaissance in the Food and Beverage sector helping to bring this about, there is an appetite for quality goods and services. People expect to be able to find good restaurants and cafes in their neighbourhoods, on their doorsteps. There is also a lot of support in Wales for people who have a credible business idea, the will to succeed and who perhaps just need some practical guidance.”

For support with a Start up loan please contact us. You can apply now here.
