Business in Focus awarded with Investors in People We Invest in Wellbeing Gold


This Mental Health Week, Business in Focus is taking time to celebrate being awarded Investors in People’s We invest in Wellbeing, Gold accreditation.

Mental Health Awareness Week is an annual event where there is an opportunity for the whole of the UK to focus on achieving good mental health and to educate and increase awareness about mental wellbeing.

A Gold accreditation in wellbeing demonstrates that Business in Focus takes good mental health very seriously. The award recognises that the business has a strong well-being strategy in place that is clearly supported by all colleagues and that the business provides opportunities for people to work and socialize as well as offering support and understanding of mental health needs.

The Gold Award puts Business in Focus in an exclusive club of very few organisations attaining dual Gold accreditation in Investors in People as well as in Investors in People Wellbeing.

At the time Business in Focus was assessed, the business was:

Commenting on the award, Phil Jones, Chief Executive of Business in Focus, said:

“It is an amazing achievement and an award that required a lot of hard work, a lot of process, plus quite a number of requirements that needed to be satisfied along the way.

Most importantly, underpinning all that work, it is a reflection, undoubtedly, of the culture, that we have in this organisation, which is vibrant, ambitious, healthy, caring, empathetic, challenging, and supporting, in equal measures.

It’s the first time Business in Focus has ever been awarded this recognition in Wellbeing and its absolutely fantastic, and I have every single one of our employees to thank for this.”

Paul Devoy, CEO of Investors in People, said:

We’d like to congratulate Business in Focus. Gold accreditation on We invest in wellbeing is a fantastic effort for any organisation, and places Business in Focus in fine company with a host of organisations that understand the value of their people.

We believe that the success of your organisation begins and ends with people. If we make work better for everyone, we make work better for every organisation. And if we do that… we make society stronger, healthier and happier.”

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