Couple Aim to Be Top Dog With Pet Grooming Business


A couple from Iceland who fell in love with Wales and decided to set up their home here are on their way to being top dog in the world of pet grooming and supplies.

Agust and Thorunn Thorsteinsdotti are running Doggy Groom in Newport, with plans to set up other branches over the next two years. They say being a successful entrepreneur is within everyone’s reach, as long as they seek the right support.

Agust says: “The idea for this business came because in 2005 Thorunn finished a course as a professional dog groomer. Due to family reasons we moved back to Iceland, where we are originally from, and we set up a pet shop and grooming parlour there, but by that time we had fallen in love with Britain. We moved back and we wanted to return to live in Newport and to do what we love for a living – running a pet shop and pet grooming business.

“When we decided to go ahead and start up this business up we came across Business in Focus. We needed to find financial help to build the business up, so we got in contact with an adviser, they helped us with our business plan and arranging finance. They have been helping us to get customers through the door and with all the inventory – basically all the help we needed to get the business established.

“Since we opened, our adviser has been to the shop to see if there is anything more he can help us with. We know he is just on the other end of the line and we can call him whenever we need support. The plan for our business is to get it more established here, then in two years time open another grooming parlour in a different place in Wales and see how that does, and maybe open more after that.”

Business in Focus’ Business Advisor Craig Tamplin, who supported the pair says: “It is great to see Agust and Thorunn’s business blossoming and bringing another stable, successful firm to Newport.

“Business in Focus helps hundreds of new businesses each year grow from being an ambition to becoming a reality and, as Agust has found, it is vital that these young businesses are given the appropriate support in those very early stages, to make sure the foundations are right. We routinely help with completing loan applications for start ups, and financing is important, it is often the thing entrepreneurs prioritise, but there are so many other aspect of setting up a new business that need to be attended to, it makes sense to get expert guidance and mentoring from professionals. We offer this mentoring service for our Business in Focus clients for a full year. It is something that almost all of the businesses we are in contact with call upon at some time.”

Agust continues: “If you have some kind of business idea please follow it through. Anyone can do it but you need to have support. Make a business plan, work hard and you will see your dream come true, as it did for us.”

Business in Focus can provide assistance with funding options, a business plan, business forecasting, market research, legal compliances and insurance, even offering premises – all the necessary foundations that can make the difference between success and failure for a start-up.

See Agust and Thorunn talk about their journey here: