Youngsters will help maintain Wales’ Reputation for Entrepreneurial Talent


Some of the brightest young learners from Bridgend College were recognised at its recent Annual Awards ceremony, and Business in Focus was pleased to help support entrepreneurial excellence by sponsoring the Enterprise category.


The awards saw young people who show promise across a wide range of fields of study at the college being recognised, and the winners of the enterprise category, Bethan Morgan and Sarah Jones, took on a real labour of love for their challenge. The industrious duo organised a series of successful activities to raise more than £4,000 to be spent on a headstone for a close friend who died aged just 16.


Julie Walters; Business Development Manager from Welsh start up support specialists, Business in Focus, says events like these show how much talent is going into the Welsh workforce and into its economy.


“We were delighted to be a supporter of the Bridgend College Annual Awards 2018 and it was uplifting to see so much talent and creative energy shining through in this generation of students. Clearly, Bethan and Sarah’s story, and their success, is particularly poignant and shows real grit in the face of challenging and emotional circumstances. Well done to them for their achievements.


“Wales has long been a natural home to entrepreneurs who show similar levels of determination and inventiveness, and who nurture great ideas to business success. We see this first hand day-in-day-out and it is only fitting that we do what we can to nurture the next generation of achievers.


“One of the most pleasing aspects of the award ceremony was seeing the breadth of studies that young people are committing themselves to and excelling in – everything from engineering, construction and science, to hospitality, sport and social care. This is a very positive sign that a wide range of industries and sectors in Wales are going to see a fresh influx of talent from education.


“One of the things we hear time and time again from the large number of start up businesses we support – whether this is through securing a Start Up Loan, providing business support or offering low deposit, short notice premises – is that we have very positive conditions here in Wales for entrepreneurs, thanks to the amount of support available. Here at Business in Focus we are very proud to be part of this robust support network and we would encourage start ups of all ages – from education leavers to the more mature – to get in touch if they feel ready to take their first steps in business.


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