Business in Focus Recognised as an Investor In People


Business in Focus, the social enterprise that has been helping small businesses to start their journey and grow for nearly three decades, has been awarded Gold accreditation from Investors in People, demonstrating their commitment to high performance through good people management.

The company has offices and premises right across South Wales and provides assistance with planning, employment and HR issues, help with access to finance, training seminars and events – all the necessary foundations that can make the difference between success and failure for a business.

Investors in People (IiP) is the international standard for people management, defining what it takes to lead, support and manage people effectively to achieve sustainable results. Underpinning the standard is the Investors in People framework, reflecting the latest workplace trends, essential skills and effective structures required to outperform in any industry.

An Investors in People accreditation enables organisations to benchmark themselves against the best in the business on an international scale. Gold accreditation puts them on a level playing field with major global companies that have also received the award including Sony and Fujitsu.

At the time of accreditation, Business in Focus is now ranked in the top 7% of IiP organisations in the UK and is one of the top ten organisations within the consultancy and accountancy sector.

Commenting on the award, Katy Chamberlain, Chief Executive of Business in Focus said: “As a company that is centred around helping other businesses to grow and be successful we first must ensure that our own house is in order and recognise the importance of our own team.

“We have strong leadership across our senior team and this filters down throughout the entire company highlighted by improved communications between our personnel that has contributed to the accreditation. This award is testament to all of the fantastic people we have at Business in Focus and the outstanding work that they do, so this is a great opportunity to congratulate and thank all of them.”

Paul Devoy, Head of Investors in People, said: “We’d like to congratulate Business in Focus. An Investors in People accreditation is the sign of a great employer, an outstanding place to work and a clear commitment to success. Business in Focus should be extremely proud of their achievement.”