Successful Projects

We support individuals through various projects throughout Wales and have an excellent track record of working with both the UK and Welsh Governments, as well as Local Authorities. These are just some of the projects we have successfully delivered.

Enterprise Merthyr

Enterprise Merthyr was a two year Welsh Government pilot project starting in September 2019. The project supported individuals that were experiencing difficulties and facing barriers, helping them to think about an alternative route and to, learn about what was needed to make a business idea a success.

The project examined the demographics and key statistics for the Borough and supported efforts to address the socio-economic challenges.

The Enterprise Facilitator, Carmel Barry worked with:

  • Merthyr Enterprise Steering Board & Forum
  • Merthyr Economic Growth Forum including Town Centre Partnership
  • Job Centre +/Universal Credit & New Enterprise Allowance

This work is now embedded in the Merthyr community and continues to build on this work and importantly, the investment by Welsh Government.

  • 769 people – we engaged with
  • 157 people – we supported
  • 42 people – started a business


Working in partnership with our Teams allows organisations to feel confident and assured of high quality delivery from a knowledgeable, highly skilled, committed group of people.

Our People

The people behind the brand are what makes us successful. The Business in Focus family contains a diverse group of people with a wide variety of skills and expertise – what unites us is our desire to build great partnerships and deliver strongly.