
We are always open to developing new partnerships with organisations that can utilise our skills and expertise.

A partnership with Business in Focus gives you access to our experts, our facilities and the extensive experience we have gained from over 30 years in the small business sector.

We excel in the following areas

  • Small business advice
  • Property management
  • Grant administration
  • HR consultancy
  • And more

What will you get from a partnership?

A partnership with Business in Focus will ensure your project is delivered on time, within budget and to the highest possible standard.

When you partner with us, we like to think that you’re joining the Business in Focus family, and that’s why we’re happy to share our extensive in-house pool of skilled and experienced professionals.

These range from property managers and contract negotiators, to financial advisers and HR professionals.

Are you a local authority or government body?

Then we’d love to hear from you!

We have previously partnered with many local authorities and government bodies to deliver publicly funded services and business support throughout Wales.

These have been successful because of our flexible approach, the turnaround and speed of delivery and our in-house pool of experts and resources.

So get in touch today if you need high-quality delivery and a partnership you can rely on.

Looking for something in particular?

I’m looking for
Business space
I’m looking for
Meeting rooms

The latest news

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