Swyddfa Rhithiol

Looking for an affordable way to scale-up your business?

Our virtual office services give you a professional business address and access to on-site meeting rooms, without the cost of having a physical office.

This allows you to scale-up in an affordable way, whilst also becoming more visible to potential clients.

What’s available?

  • Business address
  • Personal mailbox
  • Meeting rooms
  • Free WiFi on-site
  • Flexible agreements

The benefits of a virtual office

Mae ein pecynnau swyddfa ar-lein yn ddelfrydol ar gyfer gweithwyr llawrydd, hunangyflogedig a chontractwyr sy’n chwilio am ffordd fodern o weithio’n hyblyg ac ymarferol.

A virtual office allows you to have a professional business address, without actually going through the hassle and fees associated with renting an office or building.

Our virtual office services come with flexible rates and agreements

You can also collect your mail or have it forwarded to another address. Or rent meeting rooms and facilities when you need to create a good impression with clients.

Contact us today if a Virtual Office makes sense for you and your business.

Business Address

You may not always want to use your home address for business correspondence.

A professional business address with Business in Focus can give you a professional image without the expensive fees of renting a physical building.

Personal Mailboxes

There’s no point having a professional business address if you can’t access your mail!

Whilst we do provide mail forwarding services, some people prefer the flexibility and independence provided by a personal mailbox.

We have flexible rates and packages for all business needs. Just get in touch to learn more.

Meeting Rooms

We have a range of private meeting spaces if you’d like to be in one place with your team or clients.

And we also have the facilities for online meetings too.

These include superfast WiFi, HD screens and lots of plugs for your laptops and kit!

Looking for more information?

Looking for something in particular?

I’m looking for
Help with funding
I’m looking for
Business advice

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