Gofod a Rennir

We have a range of multi-use business spaces in Carmarthen, Newtown and Haverfordwest that can be booked for co-working, meetings and test trading, on either a short or long-term basis.

And if you’re looking to start your own business, they are great places to access advice and support, via start-up sessions, workshops and networking events.

Ein Gofod a Rennir

Co-Working Desks

If you’re tired of working from your kitchen table, then our flexible co-working spaces are for you.

We have a range of desks and facilities available from 9am to 4.30pm, which can be booked for just a day, a week or even longer!

Our online booking system is easy to use and open to anyone.

Meeting Rooms

We have a range of private meeting spaces if you’d like to be in one place with your team or clients.

Although we also have the facilities for online meetings too. These include superfast WiFi, HD screens and lots of plugs for your laptops and kit!

All our meeting spaces come with unlimited tea and coffee, plus use of our various breakout spaces too.

Gofod Prawf Crefft

Felly rydych wedi rhoi amser yn arbennig i ddatblygu eich cynnyrch ac mae’r busnes yn edrych yn wych ar bapur, ond nawr mae angen i chi wybod pwy sydd fwyaf tebygol o brynu eich cynnyrch a dyna beth yw pwrpas y Gofod a Rennir. Mae gofod ar gyfer siopau pop-yp ar gael ym mhob lleoliad i’ch galluogi i wneud y gwaith ymchwil angenrheidiol a fydd o gymorth i chi ddeall eich marchnad, eich sefyllfa o ran pris ac ennill adborth ar eich cynnyrch.

Services within Shared Spaces

Start-up Support

Along with the many opportunities Shared Spaces offers, you can access the free business support service either through the Focus Enterprise Hub teams or an on-site Business Advisor. This service is a great opportunity to sound-board an idea or get to grips with what you need to do get started.

Cyngor Busnes

We don’t only give business advice to start-ups, but to established businesses too!

Our Shared Spaces are perfect for setting up a meeting with our expert business advisors.

They can give you advice and support on:

• Scaling-up and growing a business
• Developing new products or services
• Entering new regions and markets
• Accessing finance for business growth

Are you looking for office space?

Take a look at our other properties across Wales

The latest news

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