Advice for over 25s

We provide business advice and skills training to anyone over the age of 25 and out of work in the Blaenau Gwent area.

This programme is perfect for anyone who would like to make money from a passion or hobby.

Why Self-Employment?

  • Do what you enjoy
  • Be your own boss
  • Manage your time
  • Learn new skills
  • Meet new people

What’s involved?

We aim to support anyone over the age of 25 and living in Blaenau Gwent with starting and running their own business.
Running a business can involve doing self-employed work or setting up your own company.

We explain the pros and cons of each and what’s involved through personalised 1-to-1 business mentoring and business support.

Could you start your own business?

Maybe you’ve never considered self-employment before, so you don’t know what’s involved.
Or, perhaps you have a great business idea, but you don’t know how to take the next steps.

If this is you, then don’t worry.

Our team are here to discuss your business ideas and go through everything that is needed to start a business.

Our friendly team are ready to help you

Get Advice

Many skills and hobbies could become successful business opportunities, but most people don’t know where to start.
However, our expert Business Advisors are here to help and can assist you in developing your ideas, and writing a business plan, so you can take your first steps towards self-employment.

Skill Up

Whatever business you’re starting, you’ll need the right skills.
Maybe it’s related to your trade or you want to learn about marketing to promote your business.
Our team can guide and support you towards the skills you need.

The project has been supported by the European Social Fund through the Welsh Government.

Looking for something in particular?

I’m looking for
Help with funding
I’m looking for
Support for u25’s

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