
Are you looking to take the next step in your business and move into an office space without a lengthy contract? Our flexible co-working spaces could be the perfect option for you.

We have a range of desks and facilities available from 9am to 4.30pm, and they can be booked for just a day, a week or even longer!

What is co-working?

Co-working is a great, flexible way of working and is an ideal solution to working from your kitchen table or spare bedroom. It’s also perfect for businesses needing to rotate staff desks in smaller offices.

Whether you’re looking for a single desk once a month or a few desks for your team on a weekly rota, we have spaces across Wales and packages to suit your needs.

What are the benefits of co-working?

Co-working has becoming increasingly popular, especially since the pandemic, with more employers switching to fully remote or hybrid contracts to allow their employees the option to work from home.

Co-working is great for:

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