Hybiau Menter Ffocws

Our regional Enterprise Hubs have everything you could ever need for starting or running a business in Wales.

You can access expert advice from our team of business experts, or attend a training workshop to improve your skills. There are also co-working and retail spaces to let, plus networking events with other entrepreneurs in your area.

Our Hubs are currently based in Newtown and Carmarthen.

The Hubs

Y Drenewydd

We’re always welcoming in new people from Newtown and the surrounding areas of Mid-Wales.

There are regular events, such as start-up advice sessions and workshops, plus networking events where you can meet other entrepreneurs from the area!


Based in the heart of Carmarthen town centre, this Hub is popular with freelancers and business owners alike.

Co-working and meeting spaces have become very popular, as have the test trading opportunities!

There have also been many events at the Carmarthen Hub, including employment fairs, online workshops and networking events.

Get in touch with the Hubs

Contact Carmarthen Hub
Contact Newtown Hub

The latest news

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