Syniadau Mawr Cymru

We’re here to support young people in Wales with business training and development.

This is done through a range of mentoring programmes, workshops and residential weekends.

So, read on if you’re 18 – 25 and looking to take the next step towards starting your own business.

What’s On Offer?

  • Business advice and training for young people.
  • Ideas development and pitching sessions.
  • Residential business bootcamp weekends.
  • Regional events, networking and training, across a variety of topics.
  • And more

Bŵtcamp i Fusnes

Each year we hold two bootcamp weekends for people aged 18 – 25 who want to learn more about business, so they can get their ideas off the ground.

The intensive weekends aim to build confidence across a range of topics and is a great opportunity to network with business advisors and other entrepreneurs.

In addition to our bootcamps, we have a range of events and training sessions on throughout the year.

Whether you’re in the ideas stage for a new business venture or looking to grow an established business, we have the advice and support for you!

Our business advisors are here to help and can tailor their support to what you need.

Big Ideas Wales is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Welsh Government.

Looking for something else?

I’m looking for
Help with funding
I’m looking for
Test trading options

The latest news

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